Saturday, December 20, 2008

Hollywood Drive or Medical Office Procedures

Hollywood Drive: What it Takes to Break in, Hang in and Make it in the Entertainment Industry

Author: Eve Light Honthaner

Hollywood Drive: What it Takes to Break in, Hang in & Make it in the Entertainment Industry is the essential guide to starting and succeeding at a career in film and TV. Written by a Hollywood insider, Honthaner's invaluable experience and advice will give those attempting to enter and become successful in the entertainment industry the edge they need to stand out among the intense competition. Because while film school prepares students to write a script, direct a scene and operate a camera, few newcomers enter the job market understanding how this business truly works and how to land a first job—much less succeed in the industry.

Hollywood Drive is not merely a book about what it takes to get your foot in the door. It goes beyond that by offering you the tools, attitude, philosophy and road map you'll need to give yourself a good fighting chance at success -- whether you're looking for your very first job or for a strategy to move your career to the next level. This book will allow you to proceed with your eyes wide open, knowing exactly what to expect.

Hollywood Drive explores the realities of the industry: various career options, effective job search strategies, how to write an effective cover letter and resume, what to expect on your first job, the significance of networking and building solid industry relationships, how a project is sold, and how a reel production office and set operate. You'll learn how to define your goals and make a plan to achieve them, how to survive the tough times, how to deal with big egos and bad tempers, and how to put your passion to work for you.

* Hollywood insider with 20+ years of experience provides realistic adviceand tips on getting a first job and moving up in a tough industry
* Covers a variety of career choices and the basics of how a production is set up and run
* Includes must-have information on breaking into both Hollywood and smaller markets nationwide

Table of Contents:
1Fade in on reality1
2The good, the bad and the ugly19
3Key ingredients to a successful career31
4Career options45
5Some other interesting choices81
6Life will not go according to plan if you have no plan105
7Starting out121
8Job search strategies141
9The resume and cover letter159
10Interviews and meetings183
11No one ever said it would be easy! What you can expect once you land your first job207
12Networking and schmooching225
13Getting through the next door241
14Pitching and selling259
15Reel production279
16You're not in film school anymore, toto303
17Show biz survival techniques319
18Advice from the experts337
19Remembering why you got into this business to begin with349
20Eve's recipe for success353

Look this: Public Relations Practices or Global Electronic Commerce

Medical Office Procedures

Author: Karonne Becklin

This text-workbook is designed to expose students to both traditional medical office procedures and the computerized medical office. Projects and simulations are included and can done manually or on the computer using MediSoft PatientAccounting Software.

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