Saturday, January 24, 2009

Contemporary Arab Thought or Integrated Operations Management

Contemporary Arab Thought: Studies in Post-1967 Arab Intellectual History

Author: Ibrahim M Abu Rabi

'Contemporary Arab Thought' is a complex term, encompassing a constellation of social, political, religious and ideological ideas that have evolved over the past two hundred years -- ideas that represent the leading positions of the social classes in modern and contemporary Arab societies. Distinguished Islamic scholar Ibrahim Abu-Rabi' addresses such questions as the Shari'ah, human rights, civil society, secularism and globalization. This is complimented by a focused discussion on the writings of key Arab thinkers who represent established trends of thought in the Arab world, including Muhammad 'Abid al-Jabiri, Adallah Laroui, Muhammad al-Ghazali, Rashid al-Ghannoushi, Qutatnine Zurayk, Mahdi 'Amil and many others. Before 1967, some Arab countries launched hopeful programmes of modernisation. After the 1967 defeat with Israel, many of these hopes were dashed. This book retraces the Arab world's aborted modernity of recent decades. Abu-Rabi' explores the development of contemporary Arab thought against the historical background of the rise of modern Islamism, and the impact of the West on the modern Arab world.

Table of Contents:
Pt. 1Themes
1The Scope and Limitation of Post-1967 Arab Thought43
2Contemporary Arab Intellectual Trends63
3Secularism and its Hazards: The Recent Debate in the Arab World93
4Contemporary Arab Philosophical Views of Secularism114
5Formation of Contemporary Identities: Nationalism and Islamism in Contemporary Arab Thought126
6Traditional Values, Social Change, and the Contemporary Arab Personality150
7Globalization: A Contemporary Islamic Response?164
8Contemporary Arab Thought and Globalization185
Pt. 2Thinkers
9Rashid al-Ghannushi and the Questions of Shari'ah and Civil Society203
10Muslim Self-Criticism in Contemporary Arab Thought: The Case of Shaykh Muhammad al-Ghazali223
11Islam and Muslims in Crisis242
12Towards a Critical Arab Reason: The Contributions of Muhammad 'Abid al-Jabiri256
13Towards Modern Arab Reason279
14Costantine Zurayk and the Search for Arab Nationalism296
15Mahdi 'Amil and the Unfinished Project of Arab Marxist Philosophy318
16Abdallah Laroui: From Objective Marxism to Liberal Etatism344

Read also Microéconomie :Choix Privé et Public

Integrated Operations Management: A Supply Chain Perspective

Author: Mark D Hanna

With its focus on supply chain management and the increased blending of service theory and applications with traditional manufacturing theory and applications, INTEGRATED OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT: A SUPPLY CHAIN PERSPECTIVE ties together SCM, business process management, with cross functional understanding. The authors cover creating processes, coordinating processes, and improving processes.

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